Safety on and around the college campus is a significant concern for everyone. We visit numerous colleges and universities annually and have successfully established our brand. Conversations with students and parents have made it increasingly clear that campus safety is a top priority.

Many colleges offer various resources to students, including:
- Safety committees composed of students, campus security, and police
- Climate surveys to assess student sentiment
- Inclusive culture: campus and community events, intramural activities, and collaboration with campus police
- Safety tools include security escorts, blue-light systems, safe rides, and whistles.

BLO Vintage was established in 2014. The founder's vision came after years of carrying the whistle her mother gave her as she began her college journey. This whistle was passed down from her mother, who received it in 1960 when she went off to college. This heirloom symbolized a mother-daughter connection and served as a safety measure.

Moving out on your own for the first time is a nerve-wracking experience. The whistle was more than just a safety precaution; it was a token of love and a reminder of the bond she shared with her mom.

BLO Vintage designs are handcrafted with the same multi-faceted purpose. They include pieces made with various types of whistles, meant to create unique jewelry and provide a sense of protection while carrying a story—what the story tells is up to you.

BLO Vintage runs campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness for campus safety. We believe everyone should carry a whistle for safety.